
Elon Musk – call us to save money on your cloud spend!

Nov 7, 2022 | News

The average business is overspending on cloud services by 35%!

Elon Musk has recently bought twitter for $44 billion but the tech giant is hemorrhaging around $3million per day with a vast amount of that being their cloud spend. He has reportedly instructed teams to come up with a plan to reduce spend by around $1m per day.

These numbers seem huge to the average business but a report from Couchbase – a software as a service company seated in delivering NoSQL databases – shows that even the average business spends around 35% more than necessary on cloud services. This could translate to a large pot of money being constantly wasted even if your cloud spend is typical.

VMhosts offer an agnostic approach to cloud. With experts in public cloud from Microsoft and AWS and offering a highly performant cloud platform based on VMWare, our service is flexible, less complicated and often more affordable than public cloud platforms. VMhosts can help assess what is the most appropriate cloud for your business and deliver cost savings along with technology improvements!

Solutions Architect, Nick Fothergill said “Whilst we probably can’t save you $1m per day we do regularly deliver great improvements to our customers. Often saving money, improving efficiencies and enabling growth. It’s about looking at the bigger picture and what is best for the customer, not just what is the latest exciting technology!”

Why not reach out to VMhosts and see what problems we can solve for you!

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