
Employers still not adapting to modern working

Oct 24, 2022 | News


Need help adapting your business to modern working?

A recent study from Microsoft (read more here) has shown that over 80% of staff are in the same office set up as pre-pandemic and they are stuck in an uncollaborative work pattern in the office. It was also found over 70% just ‘do email’ when in the office.

Additionally, less than a third of organisations have invested in collaboration in the past 12 months. This is a huge gap and is resulting in lost productivity and efficiency from staff. As the work world still changes many businesses still need to adapt and learn how to capitalise on the modern work desire. Without a strong digital transformation, businesses risk being left behind.

VMhosts System Architect Nick Fothergill said “We are seeing some companies really benefit from new technology. Enabling staff to work where and how they need to, means businesses get the most from their key assets, their staff.”

Systems which allow staff to work securely and efficiently from anywhere are critical. Along with the ability to communicate and collaborate with other staff and customers both synchronously and asynchronously, these are the building blocks to a business fit for the modern world.

If you want to talk to someone about how your business can work more collaboratively, please give us a call on 01223 919254.
