
New update to the PDF app in Microsoft Teams!

Dec 19, 2022 | News

New update helps collaboration on PDFs in Teams

Microsoft have released the ability to change the default PDF app in Teams from the inbuilt viewer to Adobe Reader, and this can happen for both desktop and web clients! This new integration lets users search, view, comment, and annotate PDF files without purchasing an Adobe Acrobat subscription. This is a great move by Microsoft to remove one of the key frustrations with Teams that limits your collaboration when utilising PDFs by limiting the ability to chat as well as view the file.

People can stay in the flow of work by securely accessing and collaborating on PDFs directly from within the Acrobat viewer in Teams. This includes the ability to share and review PDFs, collaborate in real time with comments and annotations, get notifications of comments, and easily access PDFs that are stored in Microsoft SharePoint and OneDrive,” Microsoft explained.

If you want to enable this great feature in Teams you need an admin to do this via the Teams admin centre, or if you want to benefit from this why not have VMhosts help you with your Microsoft365 environment!



